Are Cheap SEO Services Too Good to Be True?
Friday, 06 April 2018
by Alexander
You’re a savvy business owner, which means you’re all about cutting costs wherever you feasibly can. And now that you understand the power of digital marketing and search engine optimization (SEO), you want to incorporate it ASAP. But you also want to save money. While this is a good way to think as a business
- Published in Search Engine Optimization
What’s a Good Bounce Rate for Your Website?
Monday, 05 February 2018
by Alexander
If there’s one SEO metric to keep an eye on, it’s the bounce rate. It tells you, in an instant, whether your strategy to gain traffic and conversions is working or not. But what is a good bounce rate? Google’s definition of a bounce rate doesn’t show the whole truth. They define it as the
- Published in Analytics, Search Engine Optimization