The advice is simple: “If someone looked at your product and added it to their cart, they are interested in it. Why not just reach out to them again to remind them to buy it.” Sounds great at first, but how would you feel if the tables were turned? Do you enjoy being stalked for weeks after you search for a particular pair of shoes? If you’re like most of your own consumers, you’ll likely say a resounding, “Of course I don’t.”
So, how to you remind potentially-interested customers about your products without giving your brand the negative reputation of being a stalker?
Outdated ad targeting companies still often use blunt force when it comes to getting their clients’ names out there. A set of consumers is fit inside a very loose mold, then for days or even weeks, they’re inundated with the same ads that were triggered in the first place. Often, even long after a purchase has been made, same ads often recirculate and reappear.
On the other hand, newer predictive analysis offers companies a way to hone in on the behaviors, needs, and expectations of much more particular segments, thus giving them the ability to quit stalking and start offering value-added ads that can complete and enhance their initial search and purchase. The key here is utilizing real-time data and analytics to know exactly what your customers are doing right now so you can adequately address those needs as they are happening. For example, say that you have chosen to target “Greyhound owners in Denver with a retired racer that is at least six years old” to get to your correct market segment. You don’t need to stalk them with leashes for the rest of eternity. Rather, once they’ve purchased a beautiful new collar from you, you can follow up with an ad for a matching leash. Is winter coming? Greyhounds often need winter clothes, and this searcher will likely be interested in the follow-up ads that are related to, but not the same as, the initial ad.
Proper ad retargeting isn’t nearly as difficult as it may at first sound, so don’t run away just yet! Some of OSO Web Studio’s clients have this fear, too, but they quickly learned that ad retargeting is just as simple as the initial targeting, and with just a few tweaks as the process goes on, the results can be overwhelmingly more positive. Here’s a quick run-down of the simple tips and tricks that can keep you on top of your retargeting game:
- Re-segment Your Segments. People change. Your audience’s likes and dislikes are modified with time. Technology and trends can impact consumers’ expectations and behaviors. In other words, one of the worst disservices you can do to your business is to stop re-segmenting your segments. Make testing a part of your company’s standard practice, and be sure that you’re using real-time data so you’re on track with your consumers and not caught in the hamster wheel of always being one step behind.
- Know What Time it Is. When you’re shopping for a targeting company that will help you put your best face forward, make sure they can deliver information about your audience right now. It doesn’t make a lot of sense to give consumers what they were looking for last month if their tastes and behaviors have changed substantially since then. Be sure to probe your potential partner companies to ensure that they know what time it is, and that they can deliver information to you that utilizes real-time analytics.
- Go on with This Ongoing Process. A successful company never stops trying to understand and cater to its customers. Ad targeting, as with many other aspects of the business, is a constantly ongoing process. The sooner you understand this, the sooner you will be able to turn this from a tedious task to an intriguing part of the process. Lay out the metrics that matter most to your company, then measure the effectiveness of your targeting campaign. Are you most concerned with building the biggest dollar amount in your shoppers’ baskets? Is your primary focus based on converting visitors into buyers? Once you’ve identified your company’s most primary needs right now, you will be better prepared to hone in on what is and is not working with your segmenting process, and you’ll give way for growing opportunities, too.
- There is No “One Size Fits All” Frequency. The reason you’re segmenting your targeting efforts is because you know that every group of people is different, right? They have different attention spans; they shop differently; they’re looking for different types of products and services at different times of the day, week, or month. Once you’ve built out a proper targeting campaign, be careful not to fall into a “One Size Fits All” frequency when it’s time to deliver your messages. Campaign analytics are a vital tool that will help you identify which frequencies are working well and which need adjusted to deliver more optimal results. Again, keeping up with real-time data is a vital ingredient in customizing the frequency mix.
- Be Where Your People Are. In a given day, your audience is everywhere. They’re texting; they’re watching videos online; they’re delving into the world of social media. Just as there is no “one size fits all” when it comes to frequency, there is certainly not one place that’s better to showcase your stuff than any other. Create campaigns that utilize multi-channel resources so you can most easily be seen by your audience, wherever they may be browsing at the time. Deep analytics can help you best understand the behaviors of your audience so you can work with the platforms that are most likely to be successful for your certain segments.
- Give Your Consumers Credit. Shoppers are smart. This shouldn’t come as news to you. The reason you’re constantly exploring ways to optimize your targeting and marketing efforts is because your customers are constantly becoming more and more sophisticated when it comes to their own shopping efforts. Give your consumers credit where credit is due, and don’t underestimate how creepy you may be coming off if you aren’t putting the proper work into your retargeting efforts.
If this article has caused you and your company to have a moment of self-reflection, we’d love to hear what you’re thinking about! Feel free to leave a reply below, and let us know what’s on your mind!